PRIME TECHNOLOGY (GUANGZHOU) INC was founded by Dr. Ming Chien (the founder of FIC Global Inc, Public Investment Holdings Group). With a factory area of 22,500 square meters, the company has rich experience in design development, production and manufacturing of high-precision electronic products, focusing on the production of semiconductor packaging, high-precision electronic products, and investment in R&D of its own automotive electronic & EMS/DMS business.
The services are covered in automotive, avionic, industrial, maritime, communication, medical, and consumer electronics.
Products are:
Semiconductor packaging, Smart cockpit electronic products, aerospace satellite applications, smart cities, maritime applications, AIoT, high-precision industrial electronics, smart communications, smart medical cares, etc. PCBA / FPCBA, box-build, join design, turnkey, SBM, design manufacturing services.
SMT Lines: 13
SMT Capacity: 802 kk/m
Assembly Lines: 8
Assembly Capacity: 240k/m
MI Lines: 11
MI Capacity: 1080k/m
Employees: 1,400