PRIME People
About PRIME People
At PRIME, we respect the environment and the employees as our commitment to social responsibility. Our goal is to reduce the consumption of resources and any emission of pollutants to the environments. We respect sincerely every individual we work with, considering them as the vital role to our success.
Each business division within the PRIME Group is committed to safeguarding the environment against the effects of electronics manufacturing. We control any wastage of resources in our production process and other related activities through the strict implementation of our environmental management policies. Co-operating with international guidelines, legislations and regulations prescribed by local countries, states and cities from within the geographical area that our plants are located, we work towards the reduction and prevention of all forms of pollution.

Employee Welfare

The PRIME working environment fosters the professional and personal development of our extensive staff, comprising over 5,600 dedicated employees. We ensure competitive salaries and provide essential amenities to create a comfortable atmosphere conducive to optimal performance. Our offerings encompass clean and hygienic accommodations across all our compounds, safeguarding by a trained team of security personnel, wholesome onsite meals, complimentary medical checkups and medications, comprehensive insurance coverage, maternity leave and benefits, as well as annual leaves.

Additionally, we facilitate convenience through onsite banking and postal services, hairdressing facilities, sports rooms, ball courts, entertainment amenities, and medical services, ensuring a holistic and supportive environment for our valued team members.

Work in PRIME